An important element in English speaking fluency is to say words ending in consonant blends in sentences, without leaving out one of the consonants.

Then the next level of mastery in English speaking fluency is:

To say all the sounds in the consonant blend at the end of words, and at the same time to link the last consonant to the next word if it begins with a vowel.

Sounds complicated!

It does take ‘oral gymnastics’ but once you practise it, it’s easy!

English speaking fluency– linking the final consonant in a blend to the next word- audio training

lt blend words

Built in    said: Buil-tin

Difficult angle     said: difficul tangle

Felt energetic      said: fel tenergetic

Fault in                said: faul tin

Spoilt edge           said: spoil tedge

Because of the difficult angle the wall had a fault in it.

They felt energetic after their last excursion.

Don’t put the built-in cupboard on the spoilt edge.

St blend words

Most important    said: mos timportant

Waste it                said: wase tit

Cost around         said: cos taround

First open            said: firs topen

Most obvious       said: mos tobvious

The most important thing is, when is the first open day, and will it cost around the budget I have?

Most obviously, I don’t want to waste it and find out I can’t get another one.

Nd Blend words

Find any         said: fin dany

Mind open      said: min dopen

Found out       said: foun dout

Fanned edge   said: fan dedge

Stand in           said: stan din

Tree- lined avenue    said: tree- line davenue

 It’s located in a quiet tree –lined avenue.

I found out you can’t make it next Saturday, so I’ll stand in for you at the first exhibition.

I didn’t find any round ones, but keep your mind open, because I did find one with a fanned edge, and I didn’t know if you wanted that.

Ct blend words

Contact our    said: contac tour

Direct it          said: direc tit

Expect a          said: expec ta

When you contact our cousins don’t expect a formal welcome.

Pick up the hose and direct it at the last empty bucket.

So to help you with your English speaking fluency you need to get good at pronouncing consonant blends at the end of words and linking the final consonant to the next word if it begins with a vowel. English speaking fluency is like gymnastics for your mouth. You do the movements over and over and your mouth will perform like a well rehearsed gymnastics routine!

Best wishes, Esther

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